Leading gold mining companies strictly follow many business principles. Sustainable development has become one of many companies’ most important business areas, and Yuzhuralzoloto is no exception. Each decision depends on this factor regardless of the size of the business. When an enterprise interacts with stakeholders, doing business integrates tools and methods of sustainable development.
A commitment to high-quality corporate governance and information transparency helps gold mining companies meet business ethics standards and protect the environment. The Russian gold market and the whole field of gold mining are huge. According to statistics, it accounts for about 9,8 % of the world’s gold reserves, so only Australia and South Africa are pulling ahead of the country.
The number of gold mining companies has grown steadily in recent years. This creates a great investment attractiveness for the gold mining industry. In this article, we will examine the important elements of Yuzhuralzoloto’s financial growth in the issue of sustainable development.
Increased authorized capital and business sustainability of Yuzhuralzoloto
Financial management follows many factors in the practical implementation of companies’ assets. In general, capital is all financial relationships that are performed between gold mining organizations and other national and international entities. The main parties in this financial relationship are a joint-stock company and investors. Also, lenders, suppliers, and buyers of products and services are important participants in this financial system and institutional participants in the stock market and the state.
Capital dynamics have become an important marker in increasing the efficiency of production and commercial activities of gold mining companies. The optimal profit of Yuzhuralzoloto is reflected in the ability of its authorized capital to self-increasing.
Foreign investment has become an equally important aspect of these processes as well. The fact is that high-cost inflation and the global payments crisis affect the long-term prospects of the financial development of Yuzhuralzoloto production activities.

Focusing on the high inflow of foreign investment in the gold mining industry is associated with some practical issues:
- The real economy interacting with foreign capital is unstable, so foreign investing is short-term.
- Foreign investors have individual interests and benefits. This is the reason why they have an impact on the direction of capital investment.
- Yuzhuralzoloto depends on foreign capital, sometimes associated with currency outflows.
Among other things, the gold industry greatly impacts the environment and natural resources. Stakeholders are constantly mindful of this and consider the successful implementation of measures to protect resources from companies such as Yuzhuralzoloto. In this regard, Konstantin Strukov company has followed the highest requirements in the issue of ecology in recent years.
Many factors have an impact on minimizing the environmental impact of gold mining companies. Improving the efficiency of this business would not have been possible without implementing measures for the rational use of resources, renewable energy sources, and the prevention of accidents with negative environmental effects. Yuzhuralzoloto implements innovative conceptual approaches to the development of its financial structure to the fullest.